By John Lansing, RMG Americas...
RMG Tech Note 2 (GT400 6-Path Gas Ultrasonic Meter Wet Gas Test Results Summary) discussed the performance of an 8” GT400 gas ultrasonic meter when subjected to a variety of liquid loading scenarios. There were several objectives for this testing. First, would the meter continue operating at 100% transducer performance when subjected to 1% liquid by volume? Second, what errors would be expected at the various liquid loadings? And third, what is the meter’s diagnostics signature for the various conditions? Data obtained from these CEESI Nunn wet gas tests confirmed all six pairs of transducers continued to operate with 1% liquid loading. The meter’s accuracy was summarized relative to their dry gas reference meter (in Tech Note 2), and important diagnostics information was obtained. This data supports the RMG GT400 can be used in applications where liquids may be present.